Friday 10 May 2013

Push vs. Pull


If you are a B&M retailer, this ad should make you angry.
The Iconic is a pretty slick online retailer.
They sell the same stuff that B&M fashion stores are selling but at marginally lower prices due to their lower overheads but that's not why this should make you angry.
You should feel angry because in a 30 second TV ad they've managed to nail some of the reasons why customers are increasingly shopping online.
Most commentators believe that people are being attracted to shopping online because of "pull" factors and the most commonly cited "pull" factor is cheaper prices
That type of thinking says more about the commentator - It is a shortsighted and lazy view of retail where price is the only thing that matters to shoppers.
It is also a ready made excuse for poor performance - "it's not my fault - the Internet stole our customers!"
No. I believe, just like the people behind the Iconic do, that customers are being "pushed" and "pulled" online.
Watch the ad again.
The "push" factors away from B&M stores are;
"Lack of parking"
"Poor service"
"Crowded shops"

...and once they've finished pointing out what's wrong with B&M stores they move on to the "pull" factors;
"100's of "amazeballs" brands
"24/7 access"
"Free delivery"
Notice anything unusual?
At no point do they mention price.

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